Best Hospital For Throat Cancer In India
Our throat plays a vital role in our ability to speak. An acute throat infection can affect your speaking abilities and appetite. Therefore, severe problems like throat cancer can lead to many consequences. It can adversely affect the quality of life as well as the mental health of the person. Like other cancers, this cancer develops in the body due to the rise in the number of abnormal cells in the area.
These cells drastically reproduce themselves and lead to a malign tumour. Usually, this health condition originates from the vocal cords, voice box along with other parts of the throat (oropharynx and tonsils). Many people ask questions like, “is throat cancer curable in India?”, “what are symptoms of throat cancer”, and many more. In this blog, we will try to provide the answer to all such questions.
Anatomy of throat
Our throat is a complex part of our body that is involved in the process of breathing, swallowing, talking. Primarily, it consists of 3 components. These are:
It is also known as voice box and is a cylindrical collection of muscles, cartilage, and soft tissues. Vocal cords are also present in this component on the upper opening of the windpipe, which is also the passage to the lungs.
It refers to the soft tissue that is present just above the vocal cords to wrap them and protect food and other foreign particles from entering to the lungs through the throat.
Tonsils and adenoids
These are lymph tissues that are present at the back and sides of the mouth with the common purpose of protecting the throat against infection.
Types of throat cancer:
The types of throat cancer are defined according to the cell type and area on which it affects. These are:
Squamous cell carcinoma: It originates in the thin and flat cells that consist much of the throat and look like fish scales.
Adenocarcinoma: This cancer develops in the glandular cells of the throat.
Sarcoma: It originates in the muscle fibres of the neck.
Laryngeal cancer: It originates from the larynx, and there are many subtypes, including Squamous cell carcinoma, Adenocarcinoma, lymphoepithelioma, spindle cell carcinoma, verrucous cancer, undifferentiated carcinoma, etc.
Pharyngeal cancer: This type of cancer can be further categorized as:
- Nasopharynx cancer (superior part of the throat, behind the nose)
- Oropharynx cancer (middle part of the throat, behind the mouth)
- Hypopharynx cancer (bottom part of the throat, just above the larynx)
Glottic cancer: It originates in the vocal cords and can be categorized into 2 categories:
- Supraglottic cancer: It develops in the superior part of the voicebox or epiglottis.
- Subglottic cancer: This subtype of cancer originates from the inferior part of the voice box and vocal cords.

Symptoms Of Throat Cancer
If you are able to detect the potential signs and symptoms of throat cancer, your road to recovery will be easier. Though the symptoms are quite generic, which any normal person with cough and cold would experience, one should be aware of the following points:
- Constant coughing & blood coming up in cough
- Swelling around or in the throat area causes pain or issue in swallowing.
- Change in actual voice or experiencing speech defect.
- An abnormal mass in throat areas.
- Ear pain.
Why could you be at risk for throat cancer?
- Tobacco: People who are smoking and smokeless tobacco are at potential risk of throat cancer.
- Excessive or regular use of alcohol.
- Family history of cancer.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Diagnosis :
Many common symptoms like sore throat, persistent cough, hoarseness, etc., are often ignored, but if there is no improvement to such problems, then your doctor may suspect throat cancer. But before jumping to the conclusion, one is suggested to get a proper diagnosis.
Apart from general diagnosis, the process may include laryngoscopy, which can help in getting a closer look at the throat and biopsy, which can help taking tissue samples of the throat. Laryngoscopy can be performed in various ways.
Direct laryngoscopy: A laryngoscope is used to get a visualization of the larynx through a surgical procedure.
Indirect laryngoscopy: A small mirror is held at the back of the throat to view its condition.
Fiberoptic laryngoscopy: A small telescope-like device is passed into the throat through the nasal cavity to examine the condition of the voice box.
There are many ways to perform a biopsy depending on the device and method used for biopsy, including conventional, fine needle aspiration, and endoscopic biopsy.
Is Throat cancer curable in India?
According to the experts of the best hospital for throat cancer in India, throat cancer is curable in its initial stage, but it may be hard to cure if the abnormal cells spread to other parts of the body. There are many options to cure throat cancer in India. The type of treatment plan depends on the subtype of throat cancer. But there is one option that can be applied to cure all types of throat cancer. This treatment option is known as immunotherapy. The majority of experts suggest this procedure (standalone or with other treatment procedures) to their patients for its never-ending list of benefits.
Immunotherapy is a procedure that trains the immunity system of the patient so that it can fight against the illness itself. Unlike other treatment options, this method does not have any side effects and is also widely suggested to suppress the side effects of other treatment procedures. Dr. Rishi Sharma of Candrol Centre Of Oncology, shares that the success rate of the cure increases with immunotherapy and is the painless way to conquer cancer.
People suffering from throat cancer, especially at the final stages, suffer from extreme pain, and hence immunotherapy is suggested for pain-free treatment. This is so because, among all treatment options for Throat Cancer, immunotherapy is the most advanced & latest option with the least side effects.
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