
Cancer is a disease which causes abnormal growth of body cells. When cancer develops in the cervix area (the lower, narrow end of the uterus) of the body, it marks the nascent stage of cervical cancer. The cervix connects the birth canal (vagina) to the uterus (the upper part), making it critical for the patients.

Candrol Cancer Treatment Center Jaipur provides the best cervical cancer treatment in India. Before understanding this revolutionary 4th modality cervical cancer treatment procedure There are few pieces of information that you should know about cervical cancer only then you could be able to understand this cervical cancer treatment procedure, how it works and why you should take Candrol™ for the treatment of cervical cancer.

What is cervical cancer

Cervical cancer occurs due to abnormal growth of cervix cells. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus which opens up into the vaginal area. It is often successfully treated when the cervical cancer is found early. It can be found with the help of PAP test at a very early stage.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

The abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cervix cells causes cervix cancer. Generally, every body’s cell has a set lifespan and when they die they are being replaced by new cells.


Abnormal cells have two major problems firstly they do not die and secondly they continue dividing uncontrollably resulting in excessive accumulation of cells, which form a mass or lump of cells known as a tumor.

Cervical Cancer Treatment in Jaipur, India

CANDROL is the modern era Homoeopathy Immunotherapy practice specially designed for cancer cases and in many places does not follow conventional homoeopathy rules like potencies,  constitutional approach( where palliation is immediately required) and single remedy system.

This is not a single mind approach but the result of outcome and the inference of world-class bodies and international conferences notes who are constantly involved in finding quick solutions and results in gross pathological changes like cancer.

The combination and selection of remedies depend upon many pathological findings like pet-ct, ct scans, radiographs biopsies etc.

Dr. Rishi’s Cervical Cancer treatment is based on purely scientific methods and time-tested techniques.

In comparison to the expensive conventional treatment methods, Candrol is not just cost-effective and affordable procedure but non-surgical, painless and 100% safe as well. Candrol is customized as per the individual needs of the patients. Thus, it becomes more targeted and effective during treatment.

The quality of life enhances by the use of CANDROL to a great extent

The prevention of recurrence of cancer to the maximum extent possible is only possible by CANDROL.

Book an appointment with Dr. Rishi for satisfactory guidance and understanding and be relieved from the disease.

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    What are the risk factors associated with cervical cancer

    There are certain risk factors which are known to increase the risk of developing cervical cancer. These are:


    • HPV (human papillomavirus): It is a sexually transmitted virus. Out of 100 different types of HPV, at least 13 can cause cervical cancer.
    • Having many sexual partners or becoming sexually active early in life: HPV gets transmitted as a result of sexual contact with an infected individual. Women who have several sexual partners are at a higher risk of getting infected with HPV and developing cervical cancer.
    • Smoking: It increases the risk of cervical cancer.
    • A weak immune system: Persons with HIV or AIDS, and those who have undergone a transplant, necessitating the use of immunosuppressive medications are at higher risk of cervical cancer.
    • Long-term mental stress: Women who have been reported of self-destructive coping strategies in order to cope from high levels of mental stress and take up drinking, smoking or taking drugs are more likely to develop an active HPV infection leading to cervical cancer.
    • Giving birth at a very young age:
    • Several pregnancies: Having least three children in separate pregnancies are more likely to develop cervical cancer.
    • Birth control pills: A comprehensive and long-term use of common contraceptive pills slightly raises a woman’s risk.
    • Other sexually transmitted diseases (STD): Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis pose a risk of developing cancer.

    Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

    During the early stages of the disease generally, there are no signs or symptoms.

    Signs and symptoms start to appear at the advanced stage which are:

    • Vaginal bleeding after intercourse,
    • Bleeding in between periods or after menopause
    • Watery, bloody vaginal discharge which may be heavy and have a foul odour
    • Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse

    How is cervical cancer prevented

    Several numbers of measures can be taken into account to reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer.

    • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine – If proper HPV vaccination programs are taken by every woman then the risk of developing cervical cancer is potentially reduced.
    • Safe sex and cervical cancer – Vaccination protects against only two types of HPV strains. There are other strains too which cause cervical cancer so by making use of a condom during sex helps protect from HPV infection.
    • Cervical screening – Regular cervical screening helps in picking up the disease early and dealing with it before the condition develops, or spreads too far. Screening can only detect the changes in the cells of the cervix.
    • Smoking – Women infected with HPV when smoke are at very high risk of developing cervical cancer.

    Stages of Cervical Cancer

    Cervical cancer staging is done by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system, wherein emphasis is given on the clinical examination, rather than surgical findings.

    This allows only certain specific diagnostic tests to be done and used in determining the stage and spread of the disease which is as follows: palpation, inspection, colposcopy, endocervical curettage, hysteroscopy, cystoscopy, proctoscopy, intravenous urography, and further X-ray examination of lungs and skeleton, and determining the cervical conization.

    How is cervical cancer diagnosed

    Cervical cancer is diagnosed with the help of a  Pap test.

    During this test, the doctor scrapes a few cells from cervix surface and investigate for any cellular changes.

    If in a Pap test abnormal cell growth is seen, then other tests are performed to determine the nature of cells whether they are precancerous or cancerous in nature on your cervix.

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