
What is stomach cancer

The stomach is a hollow organ which is muscular in nature and is found in the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach is a dilated structure and it functions as a vital digestive organ of the body.

Stomach cancer is a building up of abnormal cells within the lining of the stomach. It is also known as gastric cancer. While stomach cancer is a relatively rare disease to be found in comparison to other types of cancer, but it is a difficulty diagnosed disease.

Types of Stomach Cancer

There are different types of stomach cancers which are :

  • Adenocarcinoma – About 90 to 95 percent of stomach cancers are adenocarcinomas. These cancers develop from the innermost mucosal lining of the stomach.
  • Lymphoma – The immune system tissue found in the wall of the stomach has this type of cancer. About 4% of the stomach cancers are lymphomas.
  • Carcinoid Tumor – It starts in the hormone-making cells of the stomach. Around 3% of the stomach cancers are carcinoid tumors.
  • Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) – Rare tumors which begin in very early forms of the cells in the wall of the stomach. Some of these tumors are non-cancerous and some are cancerous.

Stomach Cancer Treatment in Jaipur, India

CANDROL is the modern era homeopathy immunotherapy medicine which is specially designed for cancer and in many places does not follow any conventional homeopathy rules like that of potencies, constitutional approach (where palliation is immediately required) and single remedy system.

CANDROL is not a single mind approach but it is the result of outcome and the inference of world-class bodies and international conferences notes who are constantly involved in finding quick solutions and results in gross pathological changes like cancer.

No contradiction with any other therapy is noted so far so with CANDROL. Thus it can be taken along with any other parallel therapy.

Due to investigation based prescription palliations and results are prompt and quite promising.

Retardation of “metastatic phenomenon”( the rate of spread of cancer to other organ and tissue) developing “specific immunity” for a particular type of cancer is possible by CANDROL.

Prevention of recurrence of cancer to the maximum extent possible is only possible by CANDROL. Its a side-effect free treatment since no material doses are being used.

Quality of life is enhanced by the use of CANDROL to a great extent.

Thus, for stomach cancer treatment CANDROL provides palliative care which not only makes the patient get relief from symptoms but also assists with combination therapies.

Visit Candrol Cancer Treatment Center Jaipur for taking Candrol. To crush your waiting time kindly book an appointment to consult with our cancer specialist.

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    Risk Factors

    Risk factors not necessarily lead to any cancer type. It is just a risk factor which affects the chance of getting a disease. Some risk factors can be changed like smoking. While others can’t be changed like the age of the person or family history.

    Having a risk factor, or not having a risk factor, never guarantees the existence of the disease.

    However, there are some risk factors which pose a risk of developing abnormal cancer cells. These risk factors are:

    • H. pylori bacterial infections (this can sometimes lead to ulcers)
    • Stomach polyps ( are abnormal growths of tissue along the lining of stomach)
    • Older adults, people 50 years and older
    • Men are more likely to have than women
    • Smokers and alcohol drinkers
    • Family history of the disease
    • Asians (especially Korean or Japanese), South American, or Belarusian descent
    • Certain lifestyle factors can also pose a risk like:
    • Eating a lot of salty or processed foods
    • Eating too much meat
    • Alcohol abuse
    • Don’t exercise

    Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

    Stomach cancer is either asymptomatic (producing no noticeable symptoms to be detected) or it may cause only nonspecific symptoms (such symptoms are present in other related or unrelated disorders) in its early stages.

    So, by the time symptoms start to occur, cancer has reached an advanced stage and may have metastasized and spread to various distant parts of the body, which is the major reasons for its relatively poor prognosis.

    Most of the stomach cancer symptoms are likely to be caused by things other than cancer, like a stomach virus or ulcer. When people who are experiencing any of the problems, and the problem is not going away or getting worse, then one must check with a doctor and get diagnosed in order to know the cause which can be found and treated.

    Generally, there are no early signs or symptoms of stomach cancer. The most common symptoms of advanced stomach cancer are:

    • Experiencing nausea and vomiting
    • Getting frequent heartburn
    • Vague discomfort in the abdomen, usually above the navel
    • Having loss of appetite, poor appetite
    • Feeling constant bloating
    • Being Anaemic
    • early satiety
    • Stools are bloody
    • Presence of jaundice
    • excessive fatigue
    • stomach pain, which worsens after meals

    How is Stomach Cancer Diagnosed

    Since stomach cancer rarely shows signs and symptoms in the early stages, the disease is not diagnosed until it is advanced.

    Firstly, a physical examination is performed wherein the doctor checks for any abnormalities. A blood test can be asked in order to determine the presence of H. pylori bacteria.

    Other diagnostic tests that are required as per the condition specifically look for suspected tumors and other abnormalities in the organ. These tests are:

    • Gastrointestinal endoscopy
    • Biopsy
    • Imaging tests, like CT scans and X-rays
    • What treatment options are available for treating stomach cancer?
    • Generally, stomach cancer is treated in one of the following ways:
    • Chemotherapy
    • Radiation therapy
    • Surgery
    • Immunotherapy, like vaccines and medications

    The complete treatment plan depends on the type and stage of cancer. Aside from treating cancer cells in the stomach, the goal of treatment is to prevent the cells from spreading.

    What are the stomach Cancer Stages

    When the stomach cancer is diagnosed doctors try to figure out how much it has spread, and how far. This is known as staging. The stage describes the extent of cancer, its seriousness and how to best treat it.

    Stages of Stomach Cancer :

    The earliest stage stomach cancer is known as stage 0 (carcinoma in situ), and then range from stages I (1) through IV (4).

    Taking each stage into account:

    • Stage 0: Found in the inner lining of the stomach. Mostly at initial stage, it is treatable by endoscopic mucosal resection
    • Stage I: When cancer spreads to the second or third layers of the stomach (Stage 1A) or to the second layer and nearby lymph nodes (Stage 1B). Stage 1A is mostly treated by surgery, and Stage 1B may require chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
    • Stage II: When cancer penetrates to the second layer and to more distant lymph nodes, then it is stage II and is treated sometimes with additional neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
    • Stage III: When cancer penetration is to the third layer and to more distant lymph nodes, and sometimes to nearby tissues.
    • Stage IV: Here cancer has spread to nearby tissues and metastasized to other organs. Techniques to prolong life and to improve symptoms are used.

    As a rule, it is evident that the lower the number, the less cancer has spread.

    How is the stomach cancer stage determined

    The staging system that is used to determine the various stages of stomach cancer is given by American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM system, which is based on 3 key pieces of information:

    The extent (size) of the tumor (T): This determines how far cancer has grown into the 5 layers of the stomach wall? It also determines how much cancer has spread and has reached the nearby organs?

    The spread to nearby lymph nodes (N): It Provides information that how far the stomach cancer has spread and found in regional lymph nodes.

    The spread (metastasis) to distant sites (M): It determines how far cancer has metastasized and have spread to the distant lymph nodes or to distant organs like liver or lungs?

    AJCC system is the newest system for determining staging which became effective January 2018. This system is for determining the staging of all stomach cancers except those starting in either the gastroesophageal junction or in the cardia and growing into the gastroesophageal junction.

    Cancer staging is a complex process, so one should ask the doctor to know and understand the stage.

    How stomach cancer can be prevented

    Stomach cancer as an alone can’t be prevented. Though one can lower the risk of developing cancers by following:

    • Having a healthy weight
    • Eating a balanced, low-fat diet
    • No smoking
    • Regular exercising

    Stomach cancer risk can be reduced by making greater use of refrigeration for food storage rather than preserving foods by the help of salts, pickles, and smoking. To reduce the risk, smoked, pickled and processed food needs to be avoided..

    A balanced diet should be taken which is low in fat and high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits are especially helpful except for grapefruit in certain cases. The American Cancer Society recommends people to eat a healthy diet involving least 2½ cups of vegetables and fruits every day. Whole-grain bread, pasta, and cereals should be chosen instead of refined grains, and fish, poultry, or beans should be taken instead of processed meat.

    The American Cancer Society also recommends maintaining a healthy weight throughout one’s life.

    Use of tobacco imposes the increased risk of cancer.

    Also, use of aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or naproxen, lowers the risk of stomach cancer but this should not be in excess.

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